Two Point Perspective Acrylic Painting High School Art Lesson


Product Description

Color theory, two-point perspective & acrylic painting techniques are explored in this time-saving high school art painting project. This acrylic painting art lesson is a great addition to any high school art curriculum. It is perfect for beginners and includes a step-by-step colorful editable presentation in Google Slide and PDF format. The presentation includes 6 video demonstrations explaining each step of the painting. It is designed to be printed out, shared digitally, or presented to your class. Students can click the links on the slides or scan the QR codes on printed sheets to easily access the video demonstrations.


Need an Easy to Follow Art Sub Plan?

The included worksheets work great as sub plans, and early finisher assignments, for students on home instruction or in ISS. They are easy to follow are easy for substitute teachers or self-directed learning when the art teacher is unavailable.


All of my lessons can be shared with your students through Google Classroom or any digital platform and are formatted to work for distance learning or in the classroom. They are designed to save you time and help your students access the tutorials, presentations, videos, or worksheets as easily as possible. You can find more ready-to-go, easy-to-follow, time-saving art lessons in my RESOURCE SHOP.


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Introduction to acrylic painting and two point perspective drawing lesson for high school art

Two Point Perspective Acrylic Painting High School Art Lesson
