Beginner Line Drawing Bundle – Middle School Art – High School Visual Art

Original price was: $17.00.Current price is: $8.00.

Product Description

This Line Drawing Art Project Bundle contains everything you need to teach the fundamentals of drawing to any middle or high school art class digitally or in person. It contains practice worksheets that start with simple images to draw from and gradually increase in complexity. Students gain confidence by starting simple and building slowly one concept at a time. The culminating project is a line drawing that uses guide marks to help students get the correct scale and proportion of their image. Some images are very simple and others are more complex for students that desire more of a challenge.


Need an Easy to Follow Art Sub Plan?


The included worksheets work great as sub plans, and early finisher assignments, for students on home instruction or in ISS. They are easy to follow are easy for substitute teachers or self-directed learning when the art teacher is unavailable.


All of my lessons can be shared with your students through Google Classroom or any digital platform and are formatted to work for distance learning or in the classroom. They are designed to save you time and help your students access the tutorials, presentations, videos, or worksheets as easily as possible. You can find more ready-to-go, easy-to-follow, time-saving art lessons in my RESOURCE SHOP.


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Beginner Line Drawing Bundle - Middle School Art - High School Visual Art

Beginner Line Drawing Bundle – Middle School Art – High School Visual Art

Original price was: $17.00.Current price is: $8.00.